2008年4月14日 星期一

4/9資訊組織筆記 & 心得

496100305 謝宇昇 圖資ㄧ 資訊組織 蕩寇志 俞萬春(1794~1849) 印本書目資料 電子檔網址 台北縣 世新出版社 民國65年 古騰堡文本編號XXXX
496100305 yu-sheng xie, Organizing Information, dang kou zhi, Author: wan-chun yu(1794-1849), Taipei: shi xin.


Analysis is the process of preparing a bibliographic record that describes a part or parts of an item for which a comprehensive entry has been made. (13.1A)

Added entry: An entry, additional to the main entry, by which an item is represented in a catalogue; a secondary entry.

Main entry: The complete catalogue record of an item, presented in the form by which the entity is to be uniformly identified and cited. The main entry may include the tracing(s).

Entry: A record of an item in a catalogue.

Heading: A name, word or phrase placed at the head of a catalogue entry to provide an access point.

Analytical entry: An entry for a part of an item for which a comprehensive entry is also made.

Analytical note: The statement in an analytical entry relating the part being analyzed to the item of which it is a part.

4."在" 之分析
